With IDAs help, hundreds of millions of people have escaped povertythrough the creation of jobs, access to clean water, schools, roads, nutrition, electricity, and more. As of December 1998, 418 banks and trust companies have been licensed in the Bahamas. Learn more about Shell on our global website. It encompasses extensive commercial, cultural, and educational ties, with some 1.7 billion dollars of two-way trade and hundreds of thousands of legal border crossings each day. Exports to China totaled $1.2 billion, the largest since 2012. The United States is committed to cooperating with Colombia to investigate, arrest, prosecute, and disrupt the members of transnational criminal organizations and terrorist groups whose activities, especially narcotrafficking, are devastating to the citizens of both countries. The World Banks International Development Association (IDA) program in Somalia, co-financed by the Multi-Partner Fund (MPF) to the tune of $524 million, has a total active Bank portfolio of $1.79 billion comprising 19 national projects and 2 regional projects, including:. Latest Trends # permalink to section. The Act simplified and reduced the cost of incorporating offshore companies in the Bahamas. After being later off the blacklist,[13] in December 2020 Bahamas also was taken off[14] the FATF greylist. Guatemala and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, Organization of American States, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization. Main drivers were an increase in oil production levels as well as continued strong performance of non-oil sectors. Flow Exports Imports. With swift fiscal stimulus and government support to vulnerable populations, real GDP contracted by 1.5 percent in 2020 and the country is on track for 4.5 percent projected growth in 2021, in line with the regional average. The World Bank Group continues to leverage its support by working closely with key stakeholders. With a population of 350,000, this is $55,000 per capita, based on purchasing power parity (PPP) estimates. FAS New Delhi (Post) forecasts marketing year (MY) 2022/2023 (October-September) rice production at 122 million metric tons (MMT), down six percent compared to last year, due to unseasonal rains in October resulting in water lodging as the rice crop nears harvest. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. Other smaller but more nimble players in the banking industry include Fidelity Bank (Bahamas) Ltd. (FBB) and Royal Fidelity Merchant Bank & Trust Limited (RFMBT). The United States has a robust series of exchange programs with Mexico. Economic Complexity Rankings. About 80 percent of Mexicos exports in 2018 went to the United States. Find COVID-19 Vaccines Near You: Vaccines.gov (English) Vacunas.gov (Spanish)Text your zip code to 438829 (GETVAX) in English or 822862 (VACUNA) in Spanish. The United States is Guatemalas largest trading partner, and total (two-way) goods trade between the two countries was $9.7 billion during 2020. Free shipping for many products! More information from the 2020 U.S. The removal of COVID-19 related restrictions, the lagged impact of macroeconomic reforms, and the governments efforts to diversify the economy boosted non-oil growth, especially in agriculture and services. Overall, the opposition won 96 seats, up from 70 in the 2017 elections. The following services were delivered in the three centers: 18,000 people got their first birth certificate and received their identity documents; 981 grievance redress cases on the project have been submitted; 953 people attended workshops on COVID-19 and child protection; 32 cases of family conflict resolutions were mediated. It has a population of more than 33.08 million (2022). This includes through the first labor dispute under any free trade agreement to ensure Guatemalan workers can exercise their rights under Guatemalan law. An official website of the United States Government, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs: Mexico Summary, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Country Page, Office of the U.S. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of The Bahamas is approximately $5.7 billion with tourism accounting for 80%, financial services nearly 20% and the balance spread among retail and wholesale trade, fishing, light manufacturing and agriculture. With a target aim to benefit 1.6 million poor and vulnerable families by the end of 2022, the Cash Transfer component of the project has already registered more than 82,9475 households across the country. Sales advanced to both non-CIS (76.9 percent) and CIS countries (41.3 percent). Meanwhile, decreases were recorded for material U.S. goods exports to Guatemala in 2020 totaled $5.8 billion, while goods imports totaled $3.8 billion, making the U.S. goods trade surplus with Guatemala just under $2 billion in 2020. Total (two-way) goods trade between the two countries was $6.8 billion in 2021. [10] The European Union lists the Bahamas as one of several Caribbean "uncooperative jurisdictions" because it fails to meet tax fairness and transparency benchmarks. CAFTA-DR has facilitated trade and investment as well as further regional integration byeliminating tariffs, opening markets, reducing barriers to services, and promoting transparency. CAFTA-DR contains a chapter on investment similar to a bilateral investment treaty with the United States. ~Disputed territories administered by Colombia. TheMarket Oriented Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (MOSAP)supports beneficiaries by providing training and new technologies, improving their organizational and marketing skills, and improving their access to extension services and agricultural inputs. Text your zip code to 438829 (GETVAX) in English or 822862 (VACUNA) in Spanish, CAFTA-DR (Dominican Republic-Central America FTA), Combined, the countries in the CAFTA-DR would represent the United States' 18th largest goods trading partner,with $, Advisory Group Reports on Dominican Republic, Webinar Series on CAFTA-DR Textiles and Apparel Provisions. A vast country with a long coastline and central plateau, Angola thrusts inland across Southern Africa to border Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Guatemalas Membership in International Organizations. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. The U.S. government supports a network of nine binational centers in Colombia, with 29 branches across the country. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Country Page Two-way investment between the United States and Ireland remains strong. CIA. U.S. relations with Mexico are strong and vital. China became the third largest destination for U.S. corn in 2020 after Mexico and Japan. The scope of U.S.-Mexican relations is broad and goes beyond diplomatic and official relations. Human Rights Reports The U.S. government also continues to be the primary international partner supporting the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance in developing and implementing Guatemalas national COVID-19 vaccine deployment plan. This strategy lays out a framework to use the policy, resources, and diplomacy of the United States, and to leverage the expertise and resources of a broad group of public and private stakeholders, to build hope for citizens in Guatemala that the life they desire can be found at home. The Bahamas has no income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax, or wealth tax. They assist in English language learning, and advance STEM education, especially for girls. Colombia is a middle-income country and one of the oldest democracies in Latin America. Mexico is the United States second-largest export market (after Canada) and third-largest trading partner (after Canada and China). Investment Climate Statements CAFTA-DR and Creating Opportunities in the Region. Colombia and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, Organization of American States, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization. Travel Information, An official website of the United States Government, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Countries Page, U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics, Millennium Challenge Corporation: Guatemala, Office of the U.S. The United States strongly supports Colombias efforts to secure the just and lasting peace the Colombian people deserve, and to make the promise of security and economic opportunity a reality for all Colombian people. The positive economic momentum has continued into 2022, with the economy growing by 2.6 % year-on-year in the first quarter. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. The two countries are parties to the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), which Guatemala ratified in 2006. In December 2000, partly as a response to appearing the plenary FATF Blacklist, the government enacted a legislative package to better regulate the financial sector, including creation of a Financial Intelligence Unit and enforcement of "know-your-customer" rules. [9] It is a stable, developing nation in the Lucayan Archipelago, with a population of 391,232 (2016). About 80 percent of Mexicos exports in 2018 went to the United States. Current and historical data on international trade in agricultural, fish, forest and textile products. Exports from Russia surged 72 percent from a year earlier to USD 45.93 billion in January of 2022, before the invasion of its neighbor Ukraine and West sanctions. The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. The Bahamas is the richest country in the West Indies and is ranked 14th in North America for nominal GDP. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. TheLocal Development Project(PDL), is in its fourth phase, providing financial support and capacity development assistance to poor communities, complementing the governments efforts in the decentralization process. The overall 2021 Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) score for the regions 39 IDA-eligible countries remains unchanged at 3.1. In addition, the opening of Breezes Super Club and Sandals Resort also aided this turnaround. They include music and sports diplomacy, the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, leadership programs like Jvenes en Accin (Youth in Action), the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI), the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI), which target indigenous and Afro-Mexican populations, and English language programs such as the Access program, and English Language Fellows. Around a third of the population lives in poverty (less than US$ 2.15 per day as per the updated international poverty line), facing high unemployment and a rising cost of living. The Bahamas has the 47th freest economy in the world according to The Heritage Foundation 2010 Index of Economic Freedom. The financial crisis of 20072010 produced a decline in GDP and employment that The top three markets accounted for 62 percent of total U.S. corn exports. There is no large scale agriculture, and most agricultural products are consumed domestically. The focus is on the strengthening of the non-oil economy, with an emphasis on rehabilitating traditional lines of business that suffered greatly during the war, as well as technical assistance for the energy sector. U.S. imports from Guatemala include agricultural products, apparel, gold, and silver. Pillar V: Combating sexual, gender-based, and domestic violence. The United States established diplomatic relations with Colombia on June 19,1822, following its independence from Spain. Payroll taxes fund social insurance benefits and amount to 3.9% paid by the employee and 5.9% paid by the employer. It has enormous natural resources, particularly oil and natural gas. Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. Travel Information, An official website of the United States Government, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Country Page, U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics, Office of the U.S. The Root Causes Strategy focuses on a coordinated, place-based approach to improve the underlying causes that push Central Americans, including many Guatemalans, to migrate. The United States strongly supports Colombias comprehensive, whole-of-government strategy for addressing the coca/cocaine problem, which focuses on integrated supply reduction by linking coca eradication operations with support to efforts to dismantle criminal organizational and financial infrastructure, stop and reverse the damage of the narcotics trade on the environment, and improve state presence through good governance and rural security measures. Each day you'll see a different treemap of the exports for a particular country. The economy of Russia has gradually transformed from a planned economy into a mixed market-oriented economy. What you need to know before you go: visas, Embassy & Consulate locations, vaccinations, etc. This is a list of oil-producing countries by oil exports based on The World Factbook and other Sources. Through the Merida Initiative, the United States and Mexico have forged a partnership to combat transnational organized crime and drug trafficking, while strengthening human rights and the rule of law. International Religious Freedom Reports The binational centers provide a wide range of resources to the Colombian public, including high-quality English-language teaching and free cultural events and educational advising services. Mostly as a result of high oil prices, Angola experiences favorable macroeconomic conditions such as a high level of net international reserves, exports, and fiscal revenues, a strengthening currency, and declining public debt to GDP. It provides investment products and services and attracts the majority of the corporate business deals in the Bahamas, most recently acting as financial advisor and placement agent for the largest initial public offering (IPO) ever in the Bahamas with the IPO of Commonwealth Brewery, a Heineken subsidiary. Mechanisms and practices for participatory governance systems have been established, in which local governments are increasingly more accountable to their constituencies. Countries by rank. Assisted national COVID-19 immunization coverage in relation to the target population over 12 years of age, estimated at 18,932,660 people. Angola's fourth post-war elections were held on August 24, 2022 and the ruling MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) party won with 51% of the vote. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. ), agriculture 5%, industry 5%, tourism 50%, other services 40% (2005 est. The CMMS includes eight distinct lines of action to strengthen collaborative migration management across North and Central America, including Guatemala: The U.S. government works in partnership with the Government of Guatemala, the private sector, civil society, international partners, and communities to create andconnect Guatemalans to opportunities that enable them to achieve prosperous, secure, and dignified lives at home. Since 2016, the United States has provided more than $1 billion in direct and indirect support to peace implementation by far the largest contribution of any international partner. Which countries and regions are expected to grow in the future? Location Mexico borders Belize, Guatemala, and United States by land and Cuba and Honduras by sea. Major Irish services exports to the United States include insurance and information services. These challenges drive irregular migration as well as forced displacement and contribute to the expansion of transnational criminal organizations (TCOs). In addition, Guatemala has the youngest population in Latin America (median age of 22). During thethird phaseof the project, 1,575 pieces of community infrastructure were constructed and rehabilitated in all 18 provinces of the country, enabling about 2.3 million Angolans to gain access to basic social and economic services. Financial services constitute the second-most important sector of the Bahamian economy, accounting for up to 17% of GDP, due to the country's status as an offshore financial center. In addition, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States is providing more than $20.6 million to help the Colombian authorities efforts, including health surveillance; water and sanitation; and case management. The government officially lists beef and pork production and processing, fruits and nuts, dairy production, winter vegetables, and mariculture (shrimp farming) as the areas in which it wishes to encourage foreign investment. 202-387-8338). Manufacturing and agriculture together contribute approximately 10% of GDP and show little growth, despite government incentives for those sectors. It then increased from 7.5% to 12% effective from 1 July 2018. The Municipalization of the Social Action component has trained 534 local technicians and built 25 Integrated Social Action Centers. In 2016, over 3 million tourists visited the Bahamas, most of whom are from the United States and Canada.[12]. In FY 2021, the Department and USAID provided an additional $72.5 million in humanitarian assistance to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, improve livelihoods, and support urgent humanitarian and protection needs of refugees, asylum seekers, and other vulnerable populations. Cooperation between the United States and Mexico along our border includes coordinating with state and local officials on cross-border infrastructure, transportation planning, and security, as well as collaboration with institutions that address migration, natural resource, environment, and health issues. Some of the institutions traditional partners include United Nations agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, UNFPA, FAO), the African Development Bank, the European Commission, USAID, the French Development Agency, as well as the oil sector companies on innovative cooperation opportunities. 202-745-4952) and 25 consulates in cities throughout the United States. The authorities are also actively addressing financial sector vulnerabilities. Guatemalans report lack of economic opportunity as the main driver behind their intention to migrate, with insecurity and family separation as secondary reasons. The Bahamas is a beneficiary of the U.S.-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA), Canada's CARIBCAN program, and the European Union's Lome IV Agreement. Official websites use .gov FAS/Bangkok (Post) revised down MY2022/23 rice production slightly to 19.9 MMT due to flood damage on main-crop rice production. The utilities financial and operational performance has improved significantly and anew regulator and a new water resources management institution have been created. The United States remains Nicaraguas top economic partner, buying 50 percent of Nicaraguan exports and supplying 27 percent of its imports, and sending 67 percent of its remittances. In the most recent year,[when?] Given rapid population growth, per capita GDP is expected to remain fairly flat, presenting challenges to poverty reduction. History of U.S. Relations With Colombia The Bahamas imports more than $250 million in foodstuffs per year, representing about 80% of its food consumption. $15 millionwas made availablefor urgent and immediate health sector response, and supported World Bank technical assistance in conducting a quantification of COVID-19 needs, serving as the basis to outline areas of need, inform procurement, and help coordinate donor support. In addition, the Banco Nacional de Angolas organic law was amended in 2021 to strengthen its autonomy.

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