Cultural and religious background influence an individual's attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs toward health, illness, and the provision of healthcare may present obstacles to the healthcare this population receives. It is used to treat headaches, eye problems, jaundice, mental illness, and cancer. Good healthis considered the greatest blessing and gift God has given humankind. It is not uncommon for Muslim patients to not give up hope because they believe God has the power to create life and as well as cause death. When healthcare professionals interact with Muslim patients, they should follow certain guidelines whenever possible. The care of Muslim patients requires meeting the needs of specific cultures and beliefs. Individuals were asked at what distance they were comfortable standing next to a close friend, an acquaintance, and a stranger. regarding same sex greeting and interaction, if you shake each others hand, don't draw yours away too quickly and greet back with a better (or equal) greeting. Sunni Muslims believe that when Muhammad died, it was his wish that the next leader would be elected. And not only does increased eye contact make you seem more appealing in pretty much every way to those you interact with, it also improves the quality of that interaction. Inhalers, Nebulizer Treatments, Nasal Sprays- Yes. The Islamic faith can influence decision-making, family dynamics, health practices, risks, and the use of healthcare. This minimizes exposure and tells the patient of the reasoning for removing any articles of clothing. The Great Shamil, Imam of Daghestan and Chechnya, Shaykh of Naqshbandi tariqah. - Zakat, or donation of alms. View complete answer on Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Muslims are required to pray five times a day. Like a spoon of sugar can encourage a child to take bad tasting medicine, so can sweet words seduce a person from the opposite gender. Combining both translations results in the combined meaning "the state of peace through following God's guidance." Islamic is an adjective that modifies a non-human Most of these people now living in Western societies are used to this and dont mind direct eye contact at all. Asian people are taught to avert their eyes as a sign of respect, particularly when dealing with their superiors.. This is very important if the patient requires obstetric or gynecologic care. Give this article. Many Muslim and Arab patients do not expect health professionals to tell them or remind them of their terminal illness. If there are two women and a man, this is not khalwah. However, if a mother breastfeeds an orphan, the child is considered linked to the family, and it will have more rights. So first you go to lesson 1 under level 1. How should Muslim men and women set boundaries with the opposite gender? Islam provides spiritual guidance as well as an emphasis on maintaining health. Oneness of God, his angels, scriptures, and messengers. Many cultures have laws dictating that women should not make visual contact with men. There are three forms of ikhtilaat or intermixing that are forbidden: First, the touch is a form of non-verbal communication. Allah tells us in the Quran, "Tell the believing men that they should lower their gazes and guard their chastity. Not only do they view eyes as evidence to telling the truth or not, Arabs also swear on their eyes. Other barriers may be due to the complexity of the health care system and the lack of culturally competent medical services and professionals. Hosseini-Ghavam-Abad L, Asghari F, Bandehagh A, Najafipour S, Bigdeli S. Patient privacy: Awareness and attitudes of Iran University of Medical Sciences medical students. Islam is a monotheistic faith, with only about 20% of Muslims being Arabs. In many areas, consistent contact may be negatively viewed. The behavior and acts of the individual or the family are greatly influenced by the spouse, children, and other relatives. Within the Arab culture, functional roles are determined along gender and age lines. Muslim patients place a lot of emphasis on privacy and modesty. Avoiding eye contact with someone who you're in a conversation with can send them the message that you aren't listening to them and can even be seen as rude. However, intense visual contact between two people of the same gender, usually men, signals sincerity and a plea to believe. Australia is No Longer Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel, Why Old Egyptian Film Posters Attract People to Pursue, Nomads and Camels: Geographic Influences on the Bedouin Diet, Halloween Edition: 7 Spooky Tales from the Middle East & North Africa, 7 Unexpected Western Singers with Arab Roots. The Chinese people view eye contact as a necessary tool, but not in the same way that other cultures do. Egyptians believe direct eye contact is a sign of honesty and sincerity, so be prepared for disconcertingly intense stares. Muslims regard men and women as having the same rights, but different though equally important roles. They do call each other my eyes as a term of endearment to show that the person is as valuable as their own eyes. This may clear up any confusion and is usually not offensive. A table provides a nice summary of Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh beliefs. In general, they speak softly, although they may also shout or pound the table. Patients must bereminded about the need tobreakthe fast if blood glucose levels fall to dangerously low levels. A better way is to look into their eyes briefly every so often and then look away (perhaps at the collar, or an imaginary spot on the side) at the same time tilting the head and/or nodding now and then to show interest in the conversation. Traditional Muslim families are nuclear witha strong extended family support structure. The culture and religion of Muslims can greatly influence their perspectives about healthcare and healthcare providers. Eid-ul-Fitr (Celebration of the Fast-Breaking) - held on the first day of the 9th of the lunar calendar. - Shahadah or the worship of one God only. Practitioners and patients who follow Islam may feel more comfortable using these supplements and remedies together with modern medicine and in conjunction with Western medical care. Indirect eye contact is particularly common when speaking to an elder or someone higher ranking to demonstrate respect. via Eye-contact detector found in the brain - life - 16 October 2012 - New Scientist.. They may be extremely uncomfortable wearing hospital-provided gowns. [3], When providing care to Muslim patients, it is important to understand the impact the Islamic faith has on the provision of healthcare. In the United States, approximately 10% of Muslims are of Arabian descent, whereas the worlds largest community of Muslims is in Indonesia. Regardless of a person's beliefs, it is highly advisable to request permission beforeexamining any part of the body and perform the exam sequentially, exposing as small an area as possible with each step. Most households do not wear shoes within the home. erature about Islamic culture and Muslim culture. Muslims are required to pray five times a day. Never point at a person. They do call each other my eyes as a term of endearment to show that the person is as valuable as their own eyes. I am genuine in what I say! Maintaining eye contact when talking might make Muslim women and the elderly uncomfortable. Be mindful of personal space. Considerations for clinicians treating Muslim patients with psychiatric disorders during Ramadan. Implementing sensitivity training to better educate workers about traditions and customs helps in maintaining cultural sensitivity in food preparation. Get clarity on them by referring to a knowledgeable scholar of Islam. Muslims in certain cultures use folk remedies rooted in the passages in the Quran, Hadith, and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. The eyes are mentioned in songs where the eyes are used to describe beauty, evil, power and someones soul. Once a year, a Muslim gives 2.5% of one's wealth to a charitable cause. Olive oil: Many Muslims consider olives to have miraculous properties. Because Arabs and Muslims tend to keep sexual matters private, patients may avoid discussing problems with sexual relationships or sexual dysfunction, making it difficult for healthcare professionals to diagnose problems and provide appropriate counseling. Medications that contain gelatin or other pork-based ingredients are forbidden. Foster children are not considered as ones own under Islamic doctrine, and they cannot be family heirs. Only a brief moment of eye contact would be permitted between a man and a woman, if at all. Third, a man being with a non-mahram woman in one place without khalwah, but social controls and restrictions are relaxed and inhibitions are dampened. [2], Understanding Islamic beliefs will assist healthcare professionals in delivering appropriate health care in a culturally sensitive manner. False (correct) Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding ICRC visits to detainee compounds. Middle East: Middle-Eastern societies, largely Muslim, require less contact than those in the European and American societies. The Muslim faith encompasses several ethnicities with diverse views regarding illness and healthcare. If a male provider is examining a female patient, it is of the utmost importance for the provider to explain the steps of the physical exam to the patient, and if clothing must be removed, it should be removed for as little time as possible. As a kid, I was always told that Muslims are bad people. There are several reasons to be culturally and spiritually sensitive to every culture and religion, including the Muslim population. CJON 2016, 20 (1), 11-12. They should be educated about symptoms of hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic states. Efforts aimed to improve provider-level cultural enhanced care will go a long way to facilitate cross-cultural communication and respond to patient needs by tailoring healthcare tothe Muslim culture. Frequently glancing away from the person or refusing to make contact can signal low self-confidence, disinterest and a suspicious character. While fasting, patients can be at risk of both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemic complications (e.g., diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state). It should also be kept in mind that if it is an emergency, and an alternative is not readily available,any drug may be used, but this should be explained to the patient. Non-verbal communication is communication that occurs without words which is continuous. Europe: In most areas of Europe, looking into a persons eyes while conversing is seen as a mark of respect. Ramadan is the most blessed and spiritual month of the Islamic year. the nurse must not stereotype. In Western cultures, this expression of respect may be erroneously interpreted as a sign of guilt. Newborns, children, and pregnant women are more vulnerable to . Happiness - Raising and lowering of mouth corners, cheeks raised, and muscles around the eyes are tightened. They may use olive oil to prevent and treat ailments. ). This can cause problems for people from countries where it is considered disrespectful to do so when talking to someone in a position of auth. In order to avoid inadvertent soul loss/theft, eye contact may be avoided. Certain behaviorsmay be shaped by cultural practices that are not strictly in concordance with basic religious practices. Please Note: Due to the diversity of cultural traditions within each faith community, the answers below should be taken only as guidance, and not assumed to be authoritative. Amin MEK, Abdelmageed A. Clinicians' Perspectives on Caring for Muslim Patients Considering Fasting During Ramadan. 1. Eat with theright hand, considered to be the clean hand. The discussion of the risk of sexually transmitted disease is very sensitive as it can be misconstrued as a deviation from monogamy. Sometimes this may entail advising them to refrain fromfasting (for a few days or the whole month)due to theirillness (which is allowed religiously) or at least have supplements readily available if symptoms of hypoglycemia should develop. If you look at someone in the eye, while speaking to him or her, you come across as confident, trustworthy and interested. And speak in a befitting manner.(Quran 33:32). The best healthcare approach is interprofessional. Cultural Competence in the Care of Muslim Patients and Their Families. Some women may avoid eye contact altogether. For example, in some Asian cultures it is disrespectful to look superiors in the eye. Lessons here are organized under levels. Surprise - Arching of eyebrows, eyelids pulled up and sclera exposed, mouth open. Attum B, Hafiz S, Malik A, et al. As in the song above, the singer says, Is that a moon or is that your eyes?In the Western world, it is known that Arabs have beautiful eyes and thats why they are mentioned frequently in poetry. This includes minimizing eye and physical contact between a healthcare worker and a patient of the opposite gender when possible. The Islamic faith can influence decision-making, family dynamics, health practices, risks, and the use of healthcare. PDF | Abstract Rassool GH (2015) Cultural competence in nursing Muslim patients. Generally, only sporadic or brief eye contact is considered acceptable. Arabic cultures make prolonged eye-contact. Folk treatments include the use of aloe, capers, chicory, dates, dill, fenugreek, pomegranate, indigo, Senna, olive, mustard, and truffles. Ding M, Johnston ANB, Mohammed OA, Luong K, Massey D. Do consumers who identify as Muslim experience culturally safe care (CSC) in the Emergency Department (ED)? Muslims, while ethnically diverse, can present common healthcare challenges due to their beliefs. Healthcare providers must be aware of these issues so that they can approach them in a culturally sensitive manner that increases patient trust in the provider. This is purer for them. Boundaries by virtue of their purpose indicate a clear line of separation. A smile usually always means something good, and this gesture common to Arabs is a warm way of meaning "yes" without actually saying the word. You do not have to be rude, but speak in a business like tone. Review the importance of enhancing coordination amongst interprofessional team members to improve outcomes for Muslim patients by adjusting care so that it aligns with patients' cultural beliefs and practices. Although reproductive system examinations and tests are regularly performed for married or previously married women, a single woman may refuse or be hesitant because such examinations could compromise a virginal female status. Shia Muslims pray up to 5 times a day. In these scenarios, having a third person in the room that is the same gender as the patient should comfort the patient. Delivering high-quality care to. However, women are expected to avoid too much eye contact with men because it can be misunderstood and mistaken for flirting. Long eye contact at women is considered rude. The extended family is often consulted in all important decisions. Other cultures such as Asian, Middle Eastern and Hispanic do not take it positively. These barriers to reproductive health can make it very difficult to treat Muslim women effectively. It is not uncommon for Muslims to declineall hospital food, and they may request to allow them to bring food in from home. Providers need to be aware of Islamic cultural values and accommodating these values when possible. Important differences include diet, ideas of modesty, privacy, touch restriction, and alcohol intake restriction. Your speech should be direct and to the point so that no desire is aroused in the person. This study investigated the cultural differences in eye contact perception among Finnish (European) and Japanese (East Asian) individuals. When a Muslim patient is called to prayer, be considerate, and offer help with ablution or "wudhu." Chapter 7 Contact vs. Noncontact Cultures Contact and noncontact cultures are two categories proposed by Edward Hall on personal space perception across different cultures (Martin and Nakayama, 2013). Allah says in the Quran, they (women) should not strike their feet on the ground to reveal the beauties (jewellery) that they conceal (they should walk in a manner that does not cause their jewellery to jingle and attract attention)(Quran 24:31). 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